Integrated Health Care Corporate Health Plans provide coverage to members of a group or an organization with a minimum of five (5) employees. This group of people access health insurance coverage at a reduced cost as the health risk is spread across a larger number of policy holders.
Integrated Health Care Limited offers variety of corporate health plans that are designed to cater for organizational needs with special consideration to value addition, equitable funding and affordability.
Under the corporate plan, we have designed five health plans that cover different health care services which are tailored to cater for group/corporate needs. The health plans are flexible and can be customized to meet your organizational needs
It is our goal at Integrated Health Care Limited to ensure that you get the health care plan that caters for your needs and enable you lives a productive and fulfilling life.
- General Consultation
- Physical examination
- Routine Laboratory investigations
packed cell volume, urinalysis, white blood cell count and differentials, platelet count, blood group, genotype, HIV screening, blood film, malaria parasite, widal test, fasting/random blood sugar, erythrocyte sedimentary rate, stool microscopy, pregnancy test, haemoglobin
- Radiological investigations
- Drugs – (Branded and Unbranded)EMERGENCY SERVICES
- Stabilization
- Emergency drugs and investigationsPREVENTIVE SERVICES
- Health education
- Immunization (NPI) for under 5 children: BCG, OPV, HBV, Pentavalent vaccine, Measles Vaccines, Vitamin A
- Family planning education
- Counseling
- General ward (cumulative of 10 days in a year)
- General practitioner review
- Nursing care
- Drugs and infusions
- Routine laboratory and radiological investigations
- Plain X-rays
- Ultrasound Scans
- Primary eye and dental care as part of general consultation
Ganglion excision, small cyst excision, lumps excision, and application of cast, nasal packing, aspiration of joint; Repair of minor lacerations; wound debridement; wound dressing; Manual evacuation of impacted faeces; Circumcision; Drainage of paronychia; I & D of minor abscesses;
- General Consultation
- Physical examination
- Laboratory investigations:
Packed cell volume, urinalysis, white blood cell count and differentials, platelet count, blood group, genotype, HIV screening, blood film, malaria parasite, widal test, fasting/random blood sugar, erythrocyte sedimentary rate, stool microscopy, pregnancy test, haemoglobin
- Routine radiological investigations
- Drugs (Branded and Unbranded)EMERGENCY SERVICES
- Stabilization
- Emergency drugs and investigationsPREVENTIVE SERVICES
- Health education
- Immunization (NPI) for children under 5: BCG, OPV, HBV, Pentavalent vaccine, Measles
- Vaccine, Vitamin A
- Family planning
- Counseling
- General ward (cumulative of 10 days in a year)
- General practitioner review
- Nursing care
- Drugs/medications
- Routine laboratory and radiological investigations (as stated above)RADIOLOGICAL SERVICES
- Plain X-rays
- Ultrasound Scans
- Primary eye and dental care as part of general consultation: – Conditions such as allergic and infective conjunctivitis, toothache, eye and dental education
- Minor procedures:
Ganglion excision, small cyst excision, biopsy of tumour, lumps excision, application cast, nasal packing, aspiration of joint; Repair of minor lacerations; wound debridement; wound dressing; Manual evacuation of impacted faeces; Circumcision; Drainage of paronychia; I & D of minor abscesses;
MATERNITY SERVICES: Limited to =N=60,000.00k per annum for principal enrollee or the spouse
- Antenatal care
- Medical Conditions complicating Pregnancy
- Normal delivery
- Induction of labour
- Repair of Episiotomy
- Repair of cervical and all degrees of perineal tears
- Neonatal care for the first 14 days of life
- General Consultation
- Physical examination
- Specialist Consultation
- Laboratory Investigations:
Haematological tests: full blood count and its individual components, blood group, genotype, clotting and bleeding time, coagulation profile, PT, aPTT, Coomb’s Test, Reticulocyte count, sickling tests, Osmotic Fragility test, G6PD assay , cross matching, screening where necessary – screening of donors, Units of Rh negative and Rh positive blood.
Microbiological investigation: urinalysis, microscopy, culture and sensitivity of body fluids and products, malaria parasite tests, widal test, mantoux test, AFB test, Fecal occult blood.
Clinical Chemistry Tests such as blood sugar, electrolyte, urea, creatinine, lipid profile, uric acid, liver function tests, pregnancy test (urine and blood), Albumin, globulin, serum protein, Amylase assay, renal function test, Phosphate, Calcium, Lactate Dehydrogenase assay, prostate specific antigen (total and free), Magnesium assay.
Serological tests such as HIV screening, HBsAg, HCV, Helicobacter pylori, C-reactive protein, VDRL test, rheumatoid factor, ASO Titre - Radiological investigations
- Drugs (Branded and Unbranded)
- Physiotherapy: (4 Sessions per annum).EMERGENCY SERVICES
- Stabilization
- Emergency drugs and investigations
- Health education
- Immunization:
BCG, OPV, HBV, Pentavalent vaccine, Measles Vaccine, yellow
Fever, Vitamin A, Pneumococcal vaccine – For under 5years children - Family planning education
- Counseling
- Health talks
- General Ward (cumulative of 15 days in a year)
- General practitioner review
- Specialist review
- Nursing care
- Drugs/medications
- Routine laboratory and radiological investigations
- Plain X-rays
- Ultrasound Scans – Abdominal, pelvic, obstetrics
- Ophthalmologist/optometrist consultation
- Routine eye examination– refraction, tonometry, central visual field assessment
- Treatment of infection
- Foreign body removal in the eye
- Biennial Optical Lens
- Dental consultation
- Routine examination
- Treatment of infection
- Simple extraction
- Dental fillings (composite and amalgam)
Minor: Ganglion excision, small cyst excision, biopsy of tumour, lumps excision, application cast, nasal packing, aspiration of joint; Repair of minor lacerations; wound debridement; wound dressing; Manual evacuation of impacted faeces; Circumcision; Drainage of paronychia; I & D of minor abscesses.
Intermediate surgeries: (surgical drainage of haematoma, endoscopy of the GIT, Hydrocelectomy, repair of third decree tear, herniorrhaphy, uncomplicated appendectomy; orchidectomy, sigmoidoscopy, cystic hygroma excision, chondromectomy, sequestrectomy, marsupialisation, antral lavage, tracheostomy; Lump Excision; Drainage of septic arthritis; closed reduction of fractures; Drainage of Ischiorectal Abscess; Drainage of Psoas Abscess; Simple Haemorrhoidectomy; Orchidopexy; Suprapubic cystostomy, evacuation of haematoma.OUT STATION CARE
- Access to care outside the primary health care provider limited to medical limit of the Iroko health plan
- Antenatal care
- Medical conditions complicating Pregnancy
- Normal delivery
- Induction of labour
- Repair of Episiotomy
- Repair of cervical tears and all degrees of perineal tears
- Neonatal care for the first 14 days of life
- General Consultation
- Physical examination
- Specialist Consultation
- Laboratory investigations:
Haematological tests: full blood count and its individual components, blood group, genotype, clotting and bleeding time, coagulation profile, PT, aPTT, Coomb’s Test, Reticulocyte count, sickling tests, Osmotic Fragility test, G6PD assay , cross matching, screening where necessary – screening of donors, Units of Rh negative and Rh positive blood.
Microbiological investigation: urinalysis, microscopy, culture and sensitivity of body fluids and products, malaria parasite tests, widal test, mantoux test, AFB test, Fecal occult blood.
Clinical Chemistry Tests such as blood sugar, electrolyte, urea, creatinine, lipid profile, uric acid, liver function tests, pregnancy test (urine and blood), Albumin, globulin, serum protein, Amylase assay, renal function test, Phosphate, Calcium, Lactate Dehydrogenase assay, prostate specific antigen (total and free), Magnesium assay, thyroid function test, hormonal assay.
Serological tests such as HIV screening, HBsAg, HCV, Helicobacter pylori, C-reactive protein, VDRL test, rheumatoid factor, ASO Titre - Drugs (Branded and Unbranded)
- Physiotherapy: (6 sections p.a.)
- Management of Chronic conditions: Hypertension; Diabetes mellitus
- Stabilization
- Emergency drugs and investigations
- Health education
- Immunization:
Under 5years children – BCG, OPV, HBV, Pentavalent vaccine, Measles Vaccines, Yellow fever vaccine, Vitamin A
- Family planning commodities such as norplant, injectable contraceptives, intra-uterine device – IUDs)
- Counseling
- Health talks
- Semi private ward and general ward (cumulative 20 days)
- General practitioner review
- Specialist review
- Nursing care
- Drugs and infusions
- Laboratory investigations
MATERNITY SERVICES: Limited to ₦80,000.00k (for principal enrollee or the spouse)
- Antenatal care
- Medical conditions complicating Pregnancy
- Normal delivery
- Induction of labour and assisted delivery
- C/S (emergency & medically indicated electives)
- Repair of Episiotomy
- Repair of cervical and all degrees of perineal tears
- Neonatal Care for the first 14 days of life
- Routine Immunization for under 5years – BCG, OPV, HBV, Pentavalent vaccine, Measles Vaccines, Yellow fever vaccine, Vitamin A
- Additional Childhood Immunization – under 5 years (HiB & Rotavirus, pneumovax, typherix)
- Well Baby Care
Intermediate surgeries: (surgical drainage of haematoma, endoscopy of the GIT, repair of third decree tear, herniorrhaphy; uncomplicated appendectomy; Hydrocelectomy; Orchidopexy; sigmoidoscopy, cystic hygroma excision, orchidectomy, chondromectomy, sequestrectomy, marsupialisation, antral lavage, tracheostomy.; Ganglion excision; Lump Excision; Drainage of septic arthritis; closed reduction of fractures; orchidectomy;; Drainage of Ischiorectal Abscess; Drainage of Psoas Abscess; Simple Haemorrhoidectomy; Suprapubic cystostomy, evacuation of haematoma
- Plain X-rays
- Ultrasound Scans -Abdominal, pelvic, obstetrics, soft tissues scan such as breast, scrotal.
EYE CARE (limited to =N=25,000.00k per annum)
- Ophthalmologist/Optometrist Consultations
- Routine eye examination – refraction, tonometry, central visual field assessment, Schemer tear test for dry eye, slit lamp examination
- Treatment of infection
- Foreign body removal in the eye
- Biennial Optical Lens
- Dental Consultation
- Routine examination
- Treatment of infection
- Simple extraction
- Dental Fillings – Composite and Amalgam
- Scaling and Polishing
- Routine Physical checkup (without laboratory investigations)
- Annual medical examinations for principal enrollee only in designated facilities, Physical Examination with the following investigation urinalysis; packed cell volume, fasting blood sugar; ESR, HIV & HBsAg screening
- General Consultation
- Specialist Consultation
- Routine Laboratory investigations
- Drugs (branded and unbranded)
- Physiotherapy: (8 Sections per annum).
- Management of Chronic Conditions Hypertension; Diabetes mellitus
- Stabilization
- Emergency drugs and investigationsPREVENTIVE SERVICES
- Health education
- Immunization
- Family planning commodities such as norplant, injectable contraceptives, intra-uterine device – IUDs)
- Counseling
- Health talks
- Private ward, semi Private ward and general ward (limited to 21 days per annum)
- General practitioner review
- Specialist review
- Nursing care
- Drugs and infusions
- Routine Laboratory investigations:
Haematological tests: full blood count and its individual components, blood group, genotype, clotting and bleeding time, coagulation profile, PT, aPTT, Coomb’s Test, Reticulocyte count, sickling tests, Osmotic Fragility test, G6PD assay , cross matching, screening where necessary – screening of donors, Units of Rh negative and Rh positive blood.
Microbiological investigation: urinalysis, microscopy, culture and sensitivity of body fluids and products, malaria parasite tests, widal test, mantoux test, AFB test, Fecal occult blood.
Clinical Chemistry Tests such as blood sugar, electrolyte, urea, creatinine, lipid profile, uric acid, liver function tests, pregnancy test (urine and blood), Albumin, globulin, serum protein, Amylase assay, renal function test, Phosphate, Calcium, Lactate Dehydrogenase assay, prostate specific antigen (total and free), Magnesium assay, thyroid function test, hormonal assay.
Serological tests such as HIV screening, HBsAg, HCV, Helicobacter pylori, C-reactive protein, VDRL test, rheumatoid factor, ASO Titre - Dialysis (3 Sections per annum)
- Treatment of tuberculosis (in designated centres)
MATERNITY SERVICES: Limited to =N=250,000.00k (for principal enrollee or the spouse)
- Antenatal care
- Medical conditions complicating Pregnancy
- Normal delivery
- Induction of labour and assisted delivery
- C/S (emergency & medically indicated electives)
- Repair of Episiotomy
- Repair of cervical and all degrees of perineal tears
- Neonatal conditions for first 14 days of life
- Routine Immunization (under 5 – BCG, OPV, HBV, Pentavalent vaccine, Measles Vaccines, Yellow fever vaccine, Vitamin A)
- Well Baby Care
- Additional Childhood Immunization under 5years(HiB& Rotavirus, pneumovax,typherix)SURGICAL SERVICES
Minor: Ganglion excision, small cyst excision, biopsy of tumour, lumps excision, application cast, nasal packing, aspiration of joint; Repair of minor lacerations; wound debridement; wound dressing; Manual evacuation of impacted faeces; Circumcision; Drainage of paronychia; I & D of minor abscesses.
Intermediate: Surgical drainage of haematoma, endoscopy of the git, proctoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, cystic hygroma excision, orchidectomy, chondromectomy, sequestrectomy, repair of third decree tear, marsupialisation, antral lavage, tracheostomy.; herniorrhaphy; uncomplicated appendectomy; Ganglion excision; Lump Excision; Drainage of septic arthritis; closed reduction of fractures; orchidectomy; Hydrocelectomy; Drainage of Ischiorectal Abscess; Drainage of Psoas Abscess; Simple Haemorrhoidectomy; Orchidopexy; Suprapubic cystostomy, evacuation of haematoma.
Major: Laparotomy, tendon grafting, oesophagostomy, anal pull through, hypospadia repair, pyelotomy, craniotomy, pyeloroplasty, thyroidectomy, radical mastectomy, tenoplasty, vulvectomy, ptosis repair, myomectomy, prostatectomy, orthopaedic procedures, hysterectomy, varicocoelectomy, complex haemorrhoidectomy, huge hydrocoelectomy, complicated appendectomyRADIOLOGICAL SERVICES (Imaging Studies)
- Plain X-rays
- Ultrasound Scans: Pelvic, Abdominal, Obstetrics USS, soft tissue ultrasound scan.
- CT Scan: 50% copayment
- MRI: 50% copayment
- Ophthalmologist/Optometrist Consultation
- Routine examination
- Treatment of infection
- Removal of foreign body in the eye
- Biennial Optical Lens
- Simple eye surgeries:
(pterygium excision, repair of conjunctival laceration, chalazion excision, drainage of lid abscess, entropion and ectropion repairs)
DENTAL CARE (Limited to =N=50,000k per annum)
- Dental Consultation
- Routine examination
- Treatment of infection
- Simple extraction
- Dental Fillings Composite and Amalgam
- Scaling & polishing
- Root canal treatment
- Surgical extractionMEDICAL CHECK-UP
- Routine physical checkup (without laboratory investigations)
- Annual Medical Examinations for principal enrollee only in designated facilities. (Investigations will include Urinalysis, ESR, FBS, EUCR, FBC, HIV, and HBsAg)
FERTILITY SERVICES (after 12 months of enrollment)
- Basic investigations (e.g. pelvic ultrasound, hormonal assay, HSG, semen analysis and mcs)HIV/AIDS Management
- Voluntary Counseling & Testing
- Treatment of opportunistic infections
General Consultation
Specialist Consultation
Routine Laboratory investigations
Haematological tests: full blood count and its individual components, blood group, genotype, clotting and bleeding time, coagulation profile, PT, PTTK, Coomb’s Test, Reticulocyte count, sickling tests, Osmotic Fragility test, G6PD assay , cross matching, screening where necessary – screening of donors, Units of Rh negative and Rh positive blood.
Microbiological investigation: urinalysis, microscopy, culture and sensitivity of body fluids and products, malaria parasite tests, widal test, mantoux test, AFB test, Fecal occult blood.
Clinical Chemistry Tests such as blood sugar, electrolyte, urea, creatinine, lipid profile, uric acid, liver function tests, pregnancy test (urine and blood), Albumin, globulin, serum protein, Amylase assay, renal function test, Phosphate, Calcium, Lactate Dehydrogenase assay, prostate specific antigen (total and free), Magnesium assay, thyroid function test, hormonal assay.
Serological tests such as HIV screening, HBsAg, HCV, Helicobacter pylori, C-reactive protein, VDRL test, rheumatoid factor, ASO Titre
Drugs (branded and unbranded)
Physiotherapy: (Up to 10 sessions per annum)
Management of Chronic conditions: Hypertension; diabetes mellitus
Emergency drugs and investigations
Health education
Family planning commodities such as norplant, injectable contraceptives, intra-uterine device – IUDs, bilateral tubal ligation and vasectomy)
Health talks
Private ward, Semi Private Ward, and General ward (limited to 30 days per annum)
General practitioner review
Specialist doctor review
Nursing care
Drugs and infusions
Routine Laboratory investigations
Dialysis – (maximum of 10 sections p.a.)
Treatment of tuberculosis (in designated centres)
Feeding (limited to =N=3,000.00k per day)
MATERNITY SERVICES: Limited to =N=350,000.00k (for principal enrollee or the spouse)
Antenatal care
Normal delivery
Medical conditions complicating Pregnancy
Induction of labour and assisted delivery
C/S (emergency & medically indicated electives)
Family Planning Services (OCPs& IUCD)–COCs
Repair of Episiotomy
Repair of cervical and all degrees of perineal tears
Neonatal conditions for the first 14 days of life
Routine Immunization for under 5years – BCG, OPV, HBV, Pentavalent vaccine, Measles, Vitamin B.
Additional Childhood Immunization – under 5 years (HiB& Rotavirus, pneumovax, typherix)
Well Baby Care
Adult Immunization (Cerverix, Hepatits B, Tetanus for women of reproductive age
SURGICAL SERVICES (as in Teak above)
Minor procedures
Intermediate procedures
Major procedures
RADIOLOGICAL SERVICES (Medical Imaging Studies)
Plain X-rays & ultrasound scans
CT scan
EYE CARE (Limited to =N=80,000.00k per annum)
Ophthalmologist/Optometrist Consultation
Routine examination
Treatment of infection
Removal of foreign body in the eye
Biennial optical lens
Eye surgeries e.g. Pterygium excision, Stye drainage, Chalazion excision, cataract extraction, repair of conjunctival laceration, drainage of lid abscess, entropion and ectropion repairs)
Treatment of Glaucoma
DENTAL CARE (Limited to =N=100,000.00k per annum)
Dental Consultation
Routine examination
Treatment of infection
Simple extraction
Dental Fillings Composite and Amalgam
Scaling & polishing
Root canal treatment
Surgical extraction
Routine physical checkup (Physical Examination without laboratory investigations)
Annual medical examinations for principal enrollee only, in designated facilities: – Physical examination with FBS, ESR, EUCR, FLP, Urinalysis, HIV, HBSAG, CXR, ECG.
Outpatient consultation
FERTILITY SERVICES (After 12 months of enrollment)
Basic investigations (e.g. Pelvic Ultrasound, Hormonal assay, HSG, semen analysis and mcs)
Non-hormonal drug treatment
Voluntary Counseling & Testing
Treatment of opportunistic infections
Anti-retroviral treatment facilitation at designated centres in Nigeria
Cancer screening (pap smear, PSA, mammogram)