Sometimes we get so caught up in our 8 to 5 job schedule that we forget to pay the required attention to our health. We just keep going until our bodies completely shut down, forcing a visit to the doctor. Unlike decades ago when the only leading causes of deaths in Nigeria are infectious diseases, today, Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease are in the top 4 while Diabetes is the 7th. It is alarming these days how you get to hear how apparently healthy people just slump in the workplace. Don’t wait until this happens before taking care of you. These simple hacks can make you stay busy and healthy. PLAN YOUR SCHEDULE: Take time to put in order simple things around you. Pick out and press your shirt ahead of time. Arrange the documents and other things you will be going to work with the previous night. Make it a habit to keep a checklist of the activities you will be doing daily. This will help you to be well prepared and less apprehensive about events. The less anxious you get, the healthier you are! EAT BREAKFAST: Your breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the burst of energy to survive the morning rush and gets you going till lunch break. It will also keep diseases like Peptic Ulcer away. A quick cereal or sandwich won’t waste your time. And if you leave home too early to eat anything, just pack it with you. EXERCISE:  You are saying “my schedule is too tight to do workouts” right? Well, you don’t have to run a treadmill or do 50 sit-ups to break sweat. Simple routine like walking some of the distance to the office and around the office space can do your heart a lot of good. Avoid sitting down and staring at the computer screen for long hours. You need to replenish your stationeries from the store in the basement? Go get it yourself. WATER:  This is the best life-sustaining fluid nature has provided us. It helps circulation, keeps you hydrated while stressing out and helps in clearing toxins from the system. The health benefits are limitless. Rather than gobbling down cup after cup of coffee to get you through the day, try water. SLEEP: You work hard, sleep hard as well. No matter how late you get home, plan ahead very well so you can get at least 6 hours of sleep daily. And during the weekend, rather than hanging out with the boys or getting your nails done all daycatch up all the sleep you missed during the week. VACATION: As a matter of principle, always take your annual leave. There is a good reason why it was invented, don’tjoke with it. At the time of the year, relax as much as you can, see the world around you and spend time with friends and family. It will not only do your physical health lots of good, it will make you mentally refreshed and invigorated to face the coming year.